
Friday, July 17, 2020

We're going to Hungary! (But how do we get out of here?)

    So here we are, sitting.  We've been sitting now for a few months (since March 18th to be exact).  Porque?  Because there is currently a global pandemic happening, se llama COVID19.  And as we have been sitting, our family has gone through the emotional rollercoaster of "where are we moving next?"  Or maybe that's just me.  
    Originally we were told Alaska, which was great because we love it there!  But after talking to a few people, David learned he had other options.  So again, we were sitting at the drawing board, trying to figure out all our options.  It came down to 2:  Papá, Hungary or Hawaii.  Either way, neither one is a bad option.  And both parties were interested in David!  David has always been interested in going to Papá, a NATO base, flying C-17s again.  But he didn't think it was possible, so when it was mentioned, he jumped at it!  But first he needed to interview, to make sure he was a good fit.  I've always have confidence in David, and this wasn't any different.  After an interview with Papá, they chose to bring David on board.  Yay!  We were all jumping up and down (seriously!!)
      But now how do we get out of Colombia?  No, not Columbia, SC, but Colombia, South America.  Why do I ask "how do we get out"?  Because Colombia has been on lockdown since March.  No domestic or international flights, no boats, no driving between departments (states), nothing.  The only way to get out is on a humanitarian flight.  Great.  And we have a dog.  Even better.  What would normally be an easy process, now has turned into a puzzle of putting pieces together to try to make it as least complicated as possible.  
    As we sort things out and we think we have found the right piece, that one little arm doesn't quite fit where it's suppose to.  David is working around the clock calling, emailing anyone he can to get a RIP/orders so we can try to make a July 24th flight out of here.  He needs to be in Altus 2 weeks prior to the start of his class date for quarantining, and we'd also like to be stateside prior to the dog showing up on the 27th.  But the one thing we can know for sure is that God has his hand in all of this.  So what if we don't make it out, He's got us covered.  That I need to remember and continue to lean on, because I can worry and stress all day long!  
    So until we get orders, we can sit and enjoy each other, be happy and thankful that we are all healthy and safe, with a roof over our heads and food in our bellies.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:6-7